Benefits of a Mesh Wi-Fi System

Perhaps not many of you were aware that the internet is in fact a mesh? In contrast to traditional networks that are managed by internet service providers (ISPs), mesh networks don’t have a single failure point.

As long as there’s a single wired router surrounding the coverage range of the other nodes, a mesh network will operate and won’t go offline, unless all the wired nodes are somehow deactivated.

The mesh network brings about a number of controversial issues too, like a nationwide population surveillance program. But, just how is that possible? In all honesty, one of the major concepts behind a mesh network is how information is decentralized.

Therefore, as mentioned previously, there isn’t any point of access that would permit government agencies to spy on its people. In this article, we’ll discuss what a mesh network is, and its benefits.

What is a Mesh Network?

A mesh network doesn’t concentrate all the efforts into a particular direction so that you don’t lose everything and also have no alternate possibilities if things were to haywire. In technical terms, a mesh network is made of wireless nodes that are connected to one another.

These nodes work through the support of one another to form a radio signal route, relay, and push traffic from/to clients. Every single node extends the radio signal further than the previous one, hence, reducing the possibility of having dead zones.

To your surprise, you might not have known that mesh networks have been around for quite some time now. However, they’ve gained popularity only recently. Why? Simply because mesh networks are expensive as they’re wired, and complicated to set up.

However, now it’s possible to set up wireless mesh networks. Wireless mesh networks eliminate installation costs in complex areas, as they’re very adaptable and have the ability to expandable as well.

Let’s see some of the benefits you get from a mesh network.

Trouble-Free Network Management

One main feature that makes mesh-router systems stand out as compared to traditional routers, is how effortlessly network access is provided. Most mesh-routers are fully automated. In other words, you can manage it via a mobile app, even when you’re away.

Moreover, setting up a mesh system through its app is much easier than having to directly plug in a router and further configure a device on a browser dashboard. Many of these apps allow users to scan their speeds in a matter of seconds.

These mesh-router apps also test the connection quality between the many connection points and even connect them to your smart home devices. You can create guest networks and simply cut off Wi-Fi access to specific networks.

The Google Nest Wi-Fi Router and Point is one of the best mesh-routers out there and if you have a Google Assistant at home, you can configure them together. You can purchase it from FirstEnergy Ohio Edison Power for $189.

Smooth Running Connections

When it comes to traditional routers, devices like range extenders are usually utilized to repeat the signal so that Wi-Fi can be obtained from long distances. But, keep in mind that even the very best Wi-Fi extenders work best if a separate network is created with a separate password just for the range extender.

This means you might have to change Wi-Fi connections, even manually at times as you move around in your home. A mesh-router system, on the other hand, doesn’t need a constant reconnection, even if you’re moving from one room to another.

Furthermore, you won’t have to continuously deal with that much lag, since the access points are broadcast from the very same signals, rather than you having to direct requests via multiple networks.

Ability to Configure and Heal by Itself

In the future, technologies will be facing one major issue and that is the ability to manage larger node counts. Simply imagine having to configure hundreds or thousands of these nodes in a single network manually. It already sounds impossible.

The benefit of having a mesh network is that the nodes configure all by themselves, saving us large sums of money. Moreover, they are able to self-heal themselves, as the mesh network is more capable and resilient in recovering from a downfall on its own.

The discovery of a mesh network is always ongoing. Its nodes are able to automatically inform one another whenever there’s a path change and reroute the nodes.

Bottom Line

These are the main benefits of a mesh network, of course, they come with their own set of disadvantages. One is a little pricey. However, if you’re living in a large area and a lot of your family members rely on Wi-Fi, we recommend you consider a mesh-router system.

If you’re willing to pay extra for better Wi-Fi coverage, a mesh network is undoubtedly one of the best options out there.

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